My Journey So Far !!!

I moved to the United States in the year 2016 as an international student. As a freshman, I briefly attended the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) in Hattiesburg, Mississippi before moving to Dallas, Texas where I attended Brookhaven College (now formerly known as Dallas College). After completing my Associate Degree, I figured out what I wanted to pursue a career in, and with the right guidance and careful approach, I completed my B.S. in Informatics with Data Science Minor (May 2022) from the Texas Woman's University. Currently, I'm on the job hunt and seeking opportunities with any company i.e. established or a startup where I'm able to bring my expertise to practical use that paves a way for me to learn more and grow as a person.

Graduation Day

Skills and Expertise

I have had the privilege to learn about new concepts, ideas, tools, and technologies through my academic circumstances and personal learning experience. My academic career gave me an initial exposure to familiarize myself and further explore other ideas, tools, and technologies that eventually helped me to level my skill up.
That being said, I feel comfortable enough referring to myself as a beginner with somewhat level of knowledge, experience, and expertise in the arena of Data Science. My main areas of interest are Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Data Design, Database Management, and so on.

To sum up, My skills are the culmination of the following factors

● Intermediate level of knowledge in languages like SQL (MySQL), Python, Java, R, Perl, and SAS Programming.

● Proficient in data visualization tools like Tableau, MS Excel, MS Visio, p5.Js (Processing Java).

● Exposed to software and dev tools like R Studio, Eclipse IDE, Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code, Terminal, Git, and MS Office.

● Comfortable working under Operating Systems like Windows, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian), Linux (Ubuntu), and WSL.

● Have strong interpersonal attributes like Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, Critical-Thinking, Team-Work, and Collaboration..

Personal and Academic Projects

From all the projects I was ever involved and was part of, here are my three top picks for my favorite projects

ML with Adaptive Boosting

A Machine learning model/algorithm based on Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoostClassifier) on a Scikit-learn dataset (breast cancer Wisconsin) that predicts the accuracy rate of cancer to identify whether its malignant or benign.

Home Monitor System

A DIY, Rapsberry Pi powered home surveillance system that alerts its owner via a text message (to their cell phone) whenever a motion is detected. Created using a Python scipt, Email Client, Messaing API and Google Drive API.

Nutrition Tracking Database

A SQL built record-keeping archive of data that uses the user's biological (name, age, height, weight) and physical credentials (exercise time, interval, calorie consumption) to track the status of health over time. The stored procedures and function aids in calculating the BMI of a user.

More Projects at My GitHub

Feel Free To Check Out My Resume